Your well-being depends on your good health. At Osteo Genie Wellness Hub we are eliminating the need for the search and wait time.
With multiple Manual Osteopaths working closely with each other along with our Massage Therapist and Acupuncturist and other therapists, we have created an environment where we utilize each others skills to elevate the types of treatments we deliver.
Want more information about Osteopathy or any of our other services? Send us a message.
As an experienced chiropractor, I’ll help you cope with daily aches and pains.
In massage therapy, I use a variety of techniques to suit your individual needs.
Physiotherapy is a dynamic and pro-active approach to your physical rehabilitation.
You’ll be customized with a plan for stronger therapy for chronic pain treatment.
My holistic treatment approach includes thorough medical assessment and analysis.
Physical therapy can help ease the discomforts associated with pregnancy.
Our incredible success rate is directly related to the co operative environment and patient centered care we have created. We take teamwork seriously and often take extra educational courses, bounce ideas off of each other and collaborate on client cases together.
We understand pain and dis-ease from our personal experiences with trauma which, as practitioners have helped us evolve our understanding of how much changes in life when you are hurting, we know that it not only affects you, but it affects your family, work and social life; no one should have to live that way and we are dedicated to helping you journey forward toward a better quality of life.
This holistic approach to health and healing coupled with our own experiences and innate desire to help others on their journey of health is what makes us so successful. Our practitioners take satisfaction in knowing we have assisted others to move through an unpleasant/painful stage in their life and onwards to better days where they can do the things they used to do, have the energy to interact with others or simply take back control of their lives.