Prenatal Postnatal Osteopathy

Prenatal Osteopathy Whitby, Ontario

Prenatal & Postnatal Osteopathy

During pregnancy the body goes through changes of epic proportions as it makes room for the baby growing on the inside. Pain and discomfort in the body from these changes can lead to a frustrating and sometimes debilitating experience.

Prenatal Osteopathy can help with the following:

Lower back/hip pain                            Sciatica

Pelvic girdle/uterine pain                   Numbness/tingling

Digestive issues                                    Bloating (visceral)

Swelling in the extremities;               Shortness of breath

Migraines/headaches                          Anxiety

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Osteopathy can not only give you a sense of ease and relief from discomfort/pain but when you are calm and comfortable that helps baby to also be in a similar zone.

Our Manual Osteopaths have undertaken post graduate courses in prenatal care in order to be well prepared to treat pregnant women. Over the last few years they both have seen and helped their fair share of women go through a much smoother pregnancy experience.

 (Jeannie is not accepting new pediatric patients at this time) in anyway that she can. Book online or call us at 905 493 3011; or email us at for more information


After birth the world changes again. You are on the go 24/7; energy levels are depleted the body is readjusting after the prior 9 months of change; your lower back could sore from sitting and holding/feeding baby along with muscles of the arms, chest and upper back.

We gently work with your internal organs, musculature, ligaments, tendons and cranial sacral system to help encourage increased function and boost wellness so that you can better function in your role as a new mother.

Regardless of the type of delivery you have had we can help address the following issues and more:

Tailbone issues

Lower back and pelvic pain

Neck and shoulder pain

Carpel Tunnel and wrist pain

Digestive issues

Difficulty taking a deep breath in or out

Book online or call us at 905 493 3011; or email us at for more information

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