Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture Whitby, Ontario

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a branch of acupuncture focusing on a holistic approach to facial rejuvenation. Cosmetic or facial acupuncture is a more natural alternative to reducing fine lines and wrinkles, promoting the production of elastin and collagen and can help with various skin conditions affecting the face. During a cosmetic acupuncture session you receive a face treatment as well as a body treatment focusing on overall wellness to help with stress reduction, benefiting digestion, improving sleep and increasing energy levels. A cosmetic acupuncture treatment includes LED light therapy over the face to help reduce redness and inflammation, promote blood circulation and improve the skin's texture and tone, followed by facial cupping and gua sha leaving the face feeling firmer, lifted and more refreshed. Benefits: Reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles Promotes collagen and elastin production Make the skin more firm and plump Minimize dark spots and blemishes Improve skin texture for a more even skin tone Encourage new blood circulation.

What it can treat:

Fine lines and wrinkles Puffiness or dark spots under the eyes Drooping eyelids Dark spots, redness, acne, acne scarring and other skin conditions Sagging jowls.

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